Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Scripture: Col. 3:8 But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
Col. 3:9 Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,
Teaching: As Paul just asserted believers should consider their old self and old desires of the flesh as dead, he also asserts that believers should put aside their old ways. This list of “evil practices” in verse 8 follows the passions of the flesh listed in verse 5 because Paul is showing that these practices flow from the desires of the flesh. But because we are new creations in Christ with our minds set on things above, we must also set aside these behaviors that accompany the mindset of things below.
The words used in the list in verse 8 roughly translate as follows: anger (a chronic feeling of hostility), wrath (outbursts of rage), malice (spitefulness or a purposefully antagonistic disposition), slander (hurtful or insulting gossip), and abusive speech (profane or filthy speech). In verse 9, “lying” caps this list because the reason we lie is to attempt to gain a dishonest advantage over another. It undermines trust, refuses the kind of agape love that Jesus embodied, and breeds anger. This list is variations and causes of anger.
Takeaway: Jesus said in Luke 12:49-53 that he came “to cast fire on the earth” and to divide. However, he did not come to cause anger, even though anger is often directed at him and Christians. The difference is in this list from Paul – Jesus came and preached the truth, and the truth divides between those who believe it and those who reject it. But even though those who reject it can grow angry, it is not from anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech, or lying on behalf of the one preaching the truth! We err as Christians when we preach the truth in anger; we show Christ to other when we preach the truth in agape, or self-sacrificing, love. We cannot control how our words are received – it is a work of the Spirit to soften the heart of others to the Gospel. But we can control how we preach the truth of Jesus Christ. Today, examine your heart and if your proclaiming of the truth is out of anger towards those who deny it, ask the Lord to soften your heart to His ways.