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Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

There is something in the business world called the “first mover advantage,” a term used to describe a company that gains a competitive edge or universal market recognition because they were the first to do something. God works in our lives in a similar way: He is not going to move unless we move first towards Him. We are blessed, or gain advantage, when we are the first mover. When it comes to ending the bitter divide we all see in our nation today, we will not be healed until we start moving closer together. We only need to start the process, pray, and God will take over from there. Thus, if we care for this country and want to stop the ever-widening gap between political sides, we need to each start moving closer together and trust God to do the rest.

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.” — Deuteronomy 28:1 NIV

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